2022-23 Greater Thousand Islands Literacy Council Writing Contest Contest
This is only for students within the Greater Thousand Islands Literacy Council region.
Rules: 1. The topic is “Best Day Ever” Students must write an original story, essay, or poem. Assistance may be given only for spelling, punctuation, and grammar.
2. Stories may be handwritten or typed.
3. Please direct any questions to Judy Ehrensbeck at jehrensb@towschool.org
1. Please submit only your top three entries.
2. Fill out the Writing Contest Entry Form for each entry and staple it to the back of each entry, with the name facing out. Please do not put any student information on the front of the entry.
3. Fill out a Classroom Entry Form and enclose it with the Student Entry Form.
4. Entries must be received by February 17, 2023. Send entries to Judy Ehrensbeck, Town of Webb UFSD, PO Box 38, Old Forge, NY 13420. Entries may also be sent through the BOCES PONY by sending them to WJJ attention Judy Ehrensbeck.
5. No late entries will be accepted unless arrangements have been made prior to February 17, 2023. Judging will begin February 22, 2023.
Prizes: 1. All participants will receive a ribbon for their participation in the contest, even if their entries are not sent in for final judging. Please indicate how many total students participated.
2. First place winners will receive a gift certificate and two books. First place winners will be invited to read their stories at the Winners’ Reception in April.
3. All second and third place winners will receive a special ribbon and a book. They will also be invited to read their stories at the Winners’ Reception.