ENL and Literacy
Sarah Cioffi, the K-12 Director of ENL and LOTE at Shen, will present various tools and strategies developed in her department to work with ENL students that help recognize and develop a student’s writing skills as well as connect reading to their writing. Speaker: Sarah Cioffi, Director of ENL and LOTE at Shenendehowa Central Schools
Date: Thursday, March 3rd, 2022
Time: 4:30pm-6:00pm
Location: Virtual
• Please register for all events through the Teacher Center at www.teachers-center.org. Search for “ACARC.”
• Please monitor your email for Zoom links before each event. You must sign in for CTLE credit.
• **If you have any questions about your CTLE certificate, please contact Val (valerie@teacherscenter.org) from the Teachers Center.