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Re-Setting Classroom Experiences for All Learners: Cultural and Linguistic Practices through the Pandemic and Beyond

  • 21 Oct 2021
  • 4:15 PM - 5:45 PM (EDT)
  • online
Mid-Hudson Reading Council
(Sponsor of Continuing Teacher and Leader Education [CTLE] Approval 23114
Mount Saint Mary College, Division of Education
Vassar College, Department of Education
Alexis McBride, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Education, Mount Saint Mary College
The challenges wrought by the COVID-19 pandemic have upended life as we once knew it, and teachers especially have borne the brunt of sweeping changes with little to no time to process how quickly the world is evolving. Ladson-Billings (2021) has recently emphasized the need to rethink what these changes mean for education, suggesting a “hard re-set,” and special attention devoted to culturally centered pedagogy. What exactly does this mean for educators of bi/multilingual students? How can teachers perform a hard re-set that centers the cultural and language practices of linguistic minoritized learners? This presentation will offer insights designed to illuminate bi/multilinguals’ lived experiences, and how to reflect these contexts within classroom learning environments for learners of all language backgrounds.

Dr. McBride brings expertise and experience from her areas of interest and research in equity-based literacy instruction, bi/multilingualism and English language learner education, second language acquisition and multilingual pedagogies to her role as presenter. We are fortunate to have Dr. McBride share thoughts and strategies to support literacy instruction to all learners we encounter in our classrooms.

New York State Teaching Standards will be addressed during this presentation.  Standard I: “Knowledge of Students and Student Learning.” Element I.2 “Teachers demonstrate knowledge of current research in learning and language acquisition theories and processes.” Element I.3 “Teachers demonstrate knowledge of and are responsive to diverse learning needs, strengths, interests, and experiences of all students.” Element I.4 “Teachers acquire knowledge of individual students from students, families, guardians, and/or caregivers to enhance student   learning.” 

After contacting your home school district, email your intention to attend to Please register by Oct. 19th and a link for the virtual workshop will be sent to you by Oct. 20th. It is free to Mid Hudson Reading Council members and NYSRA members, other guests it is $15. Please send your membership and guest fee to Traci Cillis, 255 South Smith Rd., Lagrangeville, NY 12540.

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